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Module 2

Raise awareness

Module 2/6

Raise awareness

Raise awareness of gender stereotypes in digital

1 /5

"It is possible not to have stereotypes."

Single choice question

Good answer!

Indeed, a stereotype is a set of beliefs related to the characteristics of a group. It is not possible not to have beliefs, so it is not possible not to have stereotypes.

Wrong answer!

A stereotype is a set of beliefs related to the characteristics of a group. It is not possible not to have beliefs, so it is not possible not to have stereotypes.

To think that: ”Women naturally have more people skills than technical skills'” is a stereotype."

Single choice question

Good answer!

This stereotype is based on the belief that a person’s gender assigned at birth determines their skills. However, it has been widely demonstrated that skills are developed according to one’s educational culture. It is true that in the West, girls are generally encouraged to learn communication, empathy and patience, while boys are more encouraged to be strong and intelligent. To learn more about this topic, go here.

Wrong answer!

This is a stereotype because it is based on a belief that a person’s gender assigned at birth determines their skills. However, it has been widely demonstrated that skills are developed according to the educational culture of each person. It is true that in the West, girls are generally encouraged to learn communication, empathy and patience, while boys are more encouraged to be strong and intelligent. To learn more about this topic, go here.

"Prejudices are bound to be negative."

Single choice question

Good answer!

Prejudices are value judgments. They can be negative but also positive.

Wrong answer!

Prejudices are value judgments. They can be negative but also positive.

"One can be unintentionally discriminating."

Single choice question

Good answer!

This is called indirect discrimination. One can be discriminating, without being aware of it, by social reproduction, by habit or for other reasons that belong to each person.

Wrong answer!

Indeed, we can be discriminating, without being aware of it, by social reproduction, by habit or for other reasons which belong to each person. We call it indirect discrimination.

"We can learn to deconstruct our own stereotypes."

Single choice question

Good answer!

Indeed, to deconstruct a stereotype means realizing that it is a belief. And from there, we can choose to adopt new ones.

Wrong answer!

Yes, it is possible! Deconstructing a stereotype means realizing that it is a belief. From there, we can choose to adopt new ones.

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